There are $n$ cities and $m$ roads between them. Kaaleppi is currently in city $a$ and wants to travel to city $b$.
However, there is a problem: Kaaleppi has recently robbed a bank in city $c$ and can't enter the city, because the local police would catch him. Your task is to find out if there is a route from city $a$ to city $b$ that does not visit city $c$.
As an additional challenge, you have to process $q$ queries.
有 $n$ 個城市,以 $m$ 條雙向道路連接。肯肯肯在城市 $a$,並且他想到達城市 $b$。
但是有一個問題:肯肯肯最近在城市 $c$ 搶銀行了,被當地的警察通緝,於是他無法到達城市 $c$。你要幫肯肯肯找出有沒有一條由 $a$ 到 $b$,且不經過城市 $c$ 的路徑。
你總共要處理 $q$ 次詢問。(不保證 $a ≠ b, b ≠ c, c ≠ a$,儘管原題敘有說它們會相異,但還是出現了不相異的測資)
第一行有三個正整數 $n, m, q$,代表有 $n$ 個城市,$m$ 條道路,$q$ 筆詢問。城市編號為 $1\sim n$。
接下來 $m$ 行,每行有兩個正整數 $a, b$,代表城市 $a, b$ 之間有一條雙向道路。
接下來 $q$ 行,每行有三個正整數 $a, b, c$,代表詢問你是否有一條連接 $a, b$ 的路徑可以不經過 $c$。
對於每筆詢問,如果存在一條路徑,輸出 $\text{YES}$,否則輸出 $\text{NO}$。
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